The Nature Of Wood

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The Nature Of Wood

Wood is a natural material, and as such, presents many challenges for pew manufacturers. Today, the highest quality logs are usually purchased by offshore companies, mostly in Asian Countries. This leaves the next level of quality available for domestic furniture production. Therefore, the quality of    lumber that each company uses will vary, and  how theOak treey handle and use the  lumber will determine how the product will look and last.  The  complication  of  working with a natural product such as wood is one of the biggest    challenges  that furniture manufacturers must address. A tree needs water to grow, so  when  a tree is  harvested, its wood has a moisture content of around 75 percent. This  may not seem  relevant, except that you must remember that wood goes through  many  changes after it is  harvested. Heat, humidity, cold, dryness, and other  climate  conditions have an impact on the  wood and can cause it to warp, split, or crack.  Questions to ask when inquiring about pews:  How do you monitor the moisture content  of the wood. Do you have your own pre-drier facility? Do you have your own kiln-drier  facility?                       Coming Up!!  The Drying Process


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